Are you going on a trip soon and you’re stressed out about flying with a toddler? Trust me I’ve been there and if I’m honest I still get a little anxious before our trips. I’ve been flying with A.Mari since she was 6 weeks old (that was a 14hr flight). I will say it is definitely more challenging flying with a toddler than an infant. So to relieve some of your stress I have created a list of tips for flying with a toddler!
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Here are My Tips for Flying with a Toddler:
Bring some of you toddler’s favorite toys and books.
In my experience, when flying with a toddler, they don’t want to be cooped up in their car seat the whole ride. So what does that mean? You need to keep them occupied. It is crucial for me to bring some of A.Mari’s toys and books to keep her occupied during the flight. Since she loves to read, I bring some of her favorite small books (so they fit into my diaper bag). She also loves colors and stacking, so these cups have been lifesavers.
Bring plenty of snacks.
This tip is a big one for us because A.Mari has allergies. So, packing foods she can actually eat on the flight is a must. The last thing you need when flying with a toddler is for them to get upset because you didn’t pack enough food for them to eat. You might be reading this and thinking, “Duh!” But sometimes we can forget the things that seem like common sense. So here’s your reminder.
Plan your flight around your toddler’s nap time.
Does your toddler have a certain time they take a nap? If so, plan your flight around that time! Your toddler will most likely fall asleep on the plane. I say most likely only because I don’t want the parents reading this to try this and their toddler is wide awake on the flight. Then get upset with me haha. I will say every time I flew with my toddler she’s fallen asleep. The longest was 2 hours 30 minutes and the shortest time was 45 minutes. This at least gives you a little relief.
Wear them so that your hands are free.
Now you may be surprised by this tip. (It is really only for parents with 1 child, or 1 small child.) If you can, wear him/her. It was so much easier to fly with A.Mari when I wore her instead of bringing a stroller. Honestly, not bringing a stroller was one less thing I had to lug around. When you wear your toddler, it allows for your hands to be free! Here is the baby carrier I use. A.Mari loves it!
Download their favorite shows on Netflix.
Okay so if you’re flying with a toddler and you’re against screen time, I suggest you skip this tip. If you don’t have Netflix, skip this one also. For me and my house, my kid watches TV. (not all the time!) So when I’m flying with her, I make sure to download her favorite shoes on Netflix. This allows for her to be able to watch the shows even when my phone is on airplane mode and there is no internet service! I love that capability that Netflix has! It’s truly a lifesaver when nothing else works to calm your toddler down.
Don’t worry about other ppl.
This has to be one of the most important tips to remember when you’re flying with a toddler. Stop worrying about the other people on the plane. Honestly, this was the hardest one for me. I was putting so much pressure on myself to make sure A.Mari wasn’t too loud or didn’t cry too much. When in reality, she’s a toddler. I can’t expect her to act like an adult. (And if we are REALLY honest, some adults don’t even know how to act on airplanes. I said what I said.)
Put on overnight diapers.
This tip is for if your toddler isn’t potty trained yet. (It even applies to babies.) I recommend using an overnight diaper for flying with a toddler. Why? Because that means fewer diapers have to be changed because it holds more pee. Idk about you, but I’ve always dreaded going to the bathroom on a plane. Even more now with Covid. So to cut back on trips to the bathroom, definitely get some overnight diapers. My personal favorite is by Pampers. I would also suggest changing your little one RIGHT before you get on your flight. That way they have a nice and clean diaper.
Feed them during take-off and landing
I can’t remember where I read this tip, but I’m so glad I did. When flying with your toddler, make sure to feed him/her when the plane is taking off AND when it’s starting to land. Eating or drinking during these times helps to make sure their ears don’t pop. Sometimes that sensation can hurt their little ears and make them aggravated. So to combat that, give them something to eat or drink. I have never had an issue with her ears popping because I ALWAYS do this.
The Most Important Tip for Flying with a Toddler:
When flying with a toddler, it is SO IMPORTANT to be patient with him/her. I don’t know one toddler that likes being in the same spot for a long period of time. So, of course, when you fly with a toddler they are going to want to move around. Don’t go into the situation with unrealistic expectations of your child. It will cause you to get aggravated or impatient with him/her and you don’t need any more stress!
While you’re here make sure to check out my tips on increasing your breastmilk supply if you’re a breastfeeding mama! I really hope these 10 tips help you the next time you fly with your toddler. Have you already used some of these tips?
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